How Well do you Edit Your Art?

How well do you edit?


Writing something long and full of mistakes is easy.  Writing something concise and to the point, is not. 


Every sentence and word should have a purpose.  They're not there to fill up space or take up a reader's time; they're there to add value. 


Therefore, when editing, you ask yourself - what do I want this sentence to do? If it does not achieve your intention, delete it.


Painting Small requires rigorous editing.  

There's no room for noise. Each mark is tentatively and intentionally placed.  You must consider what is the least amount of information needed to create a moment.  What needs to go?


To create Art is a form of editing.


It's not about adding another 'to-do' to your list.  It's about clearing the unnecessary away to make room for something that's in your heart.  


Perhaps that's something physical, like scrolling on social media or hitting the snooze button for the fourth time.   Or maybe, and much more often, it's a mindset that prevents you from believing you can do it.  

Editing is difficult, but it's worth the effort to make things better.

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