Action Versus Reaction

Sandra Robinson Studio

Action, moving towards something deliberately is something I make an active decision about when growing my artwork and business, but it wasn't always like that.  

The first two years I reacted.

Reacted to everything that came my way out of panic, including saying yes to leading a 6 week drama workshop - anyone who knows me personally knows how ridiculous a concept that is!

I lived those years in a constant head spin of project-project, day-day and week-week basis that was totally consumed with all my have to's.  

Have to's' are the as things that have to get done right away to get the immediate tasks completed - they're busy work that eats time and keeps you reacting to the right now, rather than taking action towards and making time for the right, what do I want next? 

Therefore, over the last two years I've been changing my mindset to one of action instead of reaction.

One way I do this is by writing down a must do each month.  Must do's are things that are on my heart, that feed my soul or that push my art/business forward through active growth.

They can be to create a new sculpture or painting, reach out to a new contact, study a new technique, read a book, go on a holiday or even conquer a fear - they're things that don't need done right now but they're super important for, right, what do I want next?

Sandra Robinson Studio

What Must you do?

Can you relate to the Have to's?  How quickly the day-to-day eats into some of the activities that you want to do but often don't seem to have time for?

If so, try physically writing down a list of your must do's - things that are on your heart, that will make you happy and push you towards something you want next, be it learning a new technique, going on holiday or meeting a friend.

That can be your first action towards starting to bring your must do to life.

I'd love to hear your 'must do's'- comment below and let me know.

Studio Notes

If you’d like to create more art, my bi-monthly email, studio notes is packed with strategies to make time for your creativity, plus encouragement and lessons to develop your skills.


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