10 Years After my Degree Show - What I've Learned.

SR Sudio, 10 Years Later web.png

Somehow, 10 years have passed since finishing my Degree at the Belfast School of Art and a lot has happened in those years. I’ve worked in Primark, two Councils, moved to London and back for an MA and eventually started making a full time income as a Self-Employed Artist.



A few months ago, I sent a Studio Note to my mailing list with what I've learned over those years, but I thought I'd also share it publicly with you as I head into launching Balancing Act, a Solo Show at Ards Art Centre on Thursday 3 October.

Photography by NI Homes and Lifestyle Magazine.

Photography by NI Homes and Lifestyle Magazine.


The image above is of Torso Series, the work I graduated with back in 2009.  I thought I'd share it with you as the students at The Belfast School of Art are about to launch their Degree Show on Friday 7th June, 6-9pm. (Finished now)



It's got me thinking back to when I was in their shoes - excited, nervous and hopeful for what was to come next.


It’s also had me reflect on where I imagined myself to be in ten years, with the reality of where I am now and all the things I've learned along the way.



I haven't quite polished that into something totally coherent to share yet but once I have, I'll pop it on the website. But I think the main thing I've learned is that running a Creative Business/being a Professional Artist starts to become a work of art in itself - one that you never quite finish. 



You're constantly critiquing, honing, experimenting and striving to create something new.  You're continually vulnerable, putting yourself out there and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone.



You're excited about the potential you can envisage, optimistic that it will work, acutely aware that it might fail miserably, but you do it anyway because it's worth the risk.



Mainly, running a Creative Business becomes like your art because you've to learn patience.  To not expect to have all the skills right away but to instead concentrate on getting better and closer to whatever finished outcome you have in your head.



And when you get there, when you've 'finished,' you realise that it was only ever your starting point because you've learned so much from doing it that you've already moved onto the next thing.  Ready to begin your next challenge - your next work of art.


Ten years ago, I think I expected that in a decade I'd feel like I’ve arrived or ‘be there’ (wherever there is!).  But as I sit here all these years later, I feel like I've just begun, ready for the next challenge in the journey and if I'm fortunate enough to still be doing this 10 years from now, I expect I'll say the exact same thing!

Balancing Act, Invite.png

Balancing Act

I’d love for you to join me for my most recent challenge, Balancing Act, a Solo Show of ceramic figures, opening Thursday 3 October, 7-9pm at Ards Art Centre and to kick off the next decade of creativity.

Location: Ards Art Centre, Conway Square, Newtownards, BT23 4NP

Previews: 03 October 2019 -

Runs to: 26 October 2019

Venue: Sunburst Gallery | Ards Arts Centre

Admission: FREE


Balancing Act explores how we balance the various facets of our identity - our private and public, internal and external and individual or collective selves.

I’m interested in the strange balancing act we each perform in ourselves and to the world around us. Of our ongoing struggle between impulse and control, public and private and Ego and Self.

How do we balance who we are with who we perceive ourselves to be?'


SR Sudio, 10 Years Later web.png
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